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There are many different interpretations of the style of Wing Chun, we train Wan Kam Leung's Practical Wing Chun under the guidance of our Sifu Alan Mencke Hansen. Grand Master Wan Kam Leung have improved the techniques he felt was not practical in his system, he has simply chosen to modify his style to what it is today.

When starting to learn Wing Chun you begin by learning the three hand forms. The first form is called Siu Lim Tau, the theory from this form constitutes the basis for the rest of the system. The main principles are mainly about fighting at close range use of economic movements, efficiency through techniques instead of relying on strength.

Chum Kiu is the second form and principles are mostly about controlling the distance between you and the opponent, mainly to keep away but also close the distance or create distance where needed. Biu Ji is the third form, and it increases the ability to attack and defend against sudden attacks of various kinds.

Sticky hands are a training system that also called Chi Sau. With hand contact with a training partner, you learn to defend and attack their opponents when the opportunity arises. The system contains the style also two weapons forms and a wooden dummy form.

The difference between Practical Wing Chun and Traditional Wing Chun is that it uses a wider and more natural stance. It does not reach out your arms beyond 135 degrees. It performs all the techniques relaxed and you hit where the knuckles are at an angle of 45 degrees so you always meet with your knuckles and not with your fingers. In the traditional Wing Chun style uses most other organizations out of a center line while in Practical Wing Chun one uses five different center lines.

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